With the arrival of 2022

With the arrival of 2022,  Lifestylers Magazine is the first journal to document an exciting new partnership within our lifestyle community: the union between GenieWishes Events and Exotic Dreams Resorts (EDR). This promises to be a dynamic partnership for 2022 and beyond.  It started with simple plans for GenieWishes to create a few EDR takeover events. But it’s quickly evolving into something much deeper. 

As our readers know, Ms. GenieWishes has been sharing her unique story through monthly articles that build upon her cover story here in July, 2021. These monthly episodes illuminate Genie’s story, with the bonus of “key takeaways” related to each true story. This combination has been engaging and informative for our readers. So we feel excited to feature Genie in a 2nd cover story, in conjunction with the start of the new year, to capture this intriguing new chapter in the GenieWishes journey.

One aspect of the surprising news is that Exotic Dreams Resort is hiring Mr. GenieWishes (nicknamed “G”) to become the vision-leader, and General Manager for the resort. All of us who know G, have witnessed his passionate support for the Lifestyle community over the past 11 years. His abundant energy and caring personality are well known. People who work closely with G also know that he is exceptionally focused and driven. These traits will match well with Kenny, the owner of EDR, who wants to transform the resort “from good to great” during the next few years. Here is the unlikely story of how an Asian businessman and a California Lifestyle Ambassador decided to combine forces for 2022 and beyond… written by Genie with contributions from G.


Wow! As the leaders of GenieWishes and co-leaders of Arizona Fantasy Club, we could have never predicted the rapid developments of recent months. But unexpected relationships have always been a vital part of our lifestyle journey. When we began in 2010, we had no idea that we would discover so many amazing people, and gain so many trusted connections that would stand the test of time. Yes, the sex can be wonderful, but the friendships have been truly incredible for us. 


One of those relationships is a couple who go by Sean and Jade. The 4 of us met at a party in 2016. They were recommended by mutual friends (another key to success in the LS) and we hit it off immediately. We’ve shared countless party events together, a lifestyle cruise, and we occasionally stay at each other’s homes when we travel. There has always been a sexy spark between the 4 of us, but the friendship is definitely the primary focus. We trust Sean and Jade, and always listen to their input about the group we lead. 

Thus, it definitely caught our attention when they told us about their first visit to a new “clothing optional” Lifestyle resort in Palm Springs: Exotic Dreams Resorts (EDR). They sent us an enthusiastic text, shortly after they partied there in early 2020. The resort was just getting started, but our friends exclaimed that we should check it out ASAP. “It has so much potential,” Sean texted. Their enthusiasm was apparent, and they knew our group would enjoy gathering at EDR for events. Sean and Jade introduced themselves to the EDR team and told them all about our exclusive, highly vetted GenieWishes group. As part of this introduction, they explained to the EDR management that “GenieWishes is a very large group, with over 1,000 members. But we are also very discreet, so you won’t see us advertised anywhere. The rapid expansion of our group is mostly word-of-mouth referrals. You have to meet Genie & G who own the group!” So Sean texted us, and we decided to reach out to the EDR management. But we could have never imagined how that outreach would impact our lives. 


Needless to say, my husband and I felt excited to visit EDR. We set up a meeting in September of 2020, and travelled to Palm Springs. Everything went well, and we agreed that EDR had tremendous potential. We quickly imagined how it could evolve into a highly desirable destination for our LS friends across the United States. All the core ingredients were there: location, weather, moderate venue size, and a sex positive environment that was open to nudity and sexuality. The building itself felt like classic Palm Springs, and just needed some TLC to reach it’s full potential. 

Unfortunately, shortly after our exciting first visit, another Covid spike forced a shutdown throughout California and beyond. Exotic Dreams Resort closed its doors in compliance with the state and local authorities. We all waited and waited and waited. Eventually, EDR opened back up and we decided to return. We felt so impressed by all the improvements since the first visit. We learned that the owner was consistently investing in the property: costly infrastructure projects, room upgrades, and eventually a new dance & BDSM play room. EDR was clearly on a promising path and we felt excited about hosting our first takeover in the near future.


Much to our surprise, our routine event planning with EDR took an abrupt turn in late September of 2021. We received an email that asked G if he would be interested in the General Manager position with the resort. We felt flattered, but we had never considered the idea of leaving our home and cherished community in Phoenix. In our hearts, both of us still considered ourselves Californians: we met in high school there, and we ultimately married there as well. So, after spending the first 30 years of our lives in California, we always felt like it was our home away from home. Thus, we decided to take the job offer seriously.

Kenny, the EDR owner, explained that the time was right for EDR to be managed by someone who truly understands the unique cultural values of the lifestyle community. It felt great to hear Kenny acknowledge how EDR could benefit from our experience as philosophical leaders within the GenieWishes group. Our highest values have always centered around respect, discretion, female empowerment, and teaching safety etiquette for our rapidly growing group. We LOVE creating our 20-25 ticketed events each year, but we especially cherish the discussions we get to facilitate as mentors, couples-coaches, and general ambassadors for the lifestyle community. So this new opportunity felt intriguing, and we met with the EDR leaders, visited the resort multiple times, and listened to countless friends and EDR guests. Our conclusion: this felt meant to be.


As listeners and observers, we identified numerous EDR strengths. The location in downtown Palm Springs is perfect, surrounded by beautiful mountain views and Palm Trees, not to mention great restaurants, shopping and artsy local culture. As leaders of GenieWishes, the two of us are passionate advocates for sex-positive liberation.  So the clothing optional & open sexuality throughout the property are a great match for our lifestyle vision. The resort management and guests also shared numerous ways that EDR can continue to improve. It seems like everyone comments on the fantastic potential of the venue: 40 rooms, 3 pools, 2 jacuzzi’s and a unique outside sex maze. Importantly, various EDR guests tell us how much they appreciate the consistent property upgrades and how they look forward to what will happen next at Exotic Dreams Resort.

In addition to the previous progress, we feel excited about the EDR evolution in front of us. There will be multiple venue projects resulting in significant shifts in the EDR music, lighting ambiance, safety etiquette, dance parties, and room upgrades. We are in the midst of a deep analysis of the core EDR identity. We want to maintain the elements that people love, and improve the areas needing work. This emphasis on EDR identity, will be a key focus for G as he applies his thoughtful leadership to help the venue grow. He views the location, liberation and ownership to be key strengths. But he wants to enhance those elements with a laser focus on establishing an exceptional venue culture. At the center of that culture, he expects EDR to represent the highest virtues of the lifestyle community: uplifting communication, physical and emotional safety, and sex-positive empowerment for all (especially the ladies). Those are core values for both and G and myself. I also love the challenge of applying a soft, romantic perspective toward the ambiance and overall sex appeal of the property.  I will team up with the rest of the EDR team to organize the lobby office and cafe to be more welcoming and effective than ever.

By combining forces with EDR, we know our activities in Southern California and Arizona will be better than ever. With all these hopes in mind, we believe 2022 will be the best year ever for EDR, GenieWishes, & Arizona Fantasy Club. We look forward to officially starting this adventure later this month, and invite the Lifestylers Magazine community to join us for all the upcoming Palm Springs festivities.

About Author /

Hello, i'm Mrs. GenieWishes, I was a "good girl" who followed all the conventional rules; until my passion for dancing introduced me to the sex positive Lifestyle.  Now I mentor friends, lead groups,  & host events for our giant LS network. You can find me on Kasidie.com or GenieWishesEvents.com


  • Carissa and Paul Roberts
    3 years ago Reply

    Looking forward to continued growth and progress at EDR!

  • Steve
    3 years ago Reply

    We are regularly stay at Sea Mountain. Last year we decided to try EDR. We were very disappointed. Yes it needs Ambiance!! We look forward to trying it again.

  • Michael & Syd
    3 years ago Reply

    We have stayed at EDR many times over the past couple of years. We have also visited Sea Mountain Inn on several occasions (but never over-night). We love both, but each has it’s own pluses and minuses…so that’s why we go back and forth!
    if we want raunchy, hot, no-limits, all-inclusive drinks/food and a party, we go to SMI. If we want a relaxing vacation, downtown, with more pools and privacy, and a better price, we go to EDR…it just depends.
    EDR has definitely gotten better over the past two years, and we like the direction management is taking. True, ambiance could be better, more sexy, more inviting for all. Music was an issue…glad that’s being addressed by the new crew. The recent additions to the play room, pool-side cabanas and sun shades on the main deck are great, and we always enjoy the room and staff. There’s lots of room to spread out (if you need to get away from the crowd), and the maze is a wonderful place to hang out and see what happens…or take a nice nap on a large bed (especially if you don’t get a room of your own).
    If we had to choose only one, we’d lean towards EDR…and if new management can make it a more sexy, seductive “lifestyle” vibe…all the time… then we’ll be happy.

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      LSM Master
      3 years ago Reply

      We will be launching this Sunday the promotions of a Lifestylers Magazine Event we will be doing at EDR on April 29-30th, 2022. We hope to see you there…

  • Suzette & Randy
    2 years ago Reply

    Genie and G,
    This is Randy and Suzette and we just wanted to express how much enjoyment we have had at EDR. We had The opportunity to spend two weekends at your resort and did a day day on a Saturday, We are definitely new to the lifestyle and are looking forward to seeing you guys in July. You guys are awesome. Suzette had the greatest time at your Saturday night dance party I just wish I could’ve kept up with her.LOL Life style couching would be a treat.

    Best wishes,

    Suzette & Randy

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