Sexy Selfie CenterFold- 8

Mrs. Hwcouple702 on Kasidie and SLS. I’m a “hotwife” and favor hot, fit, hung, classy men, who are witty and charming. I want a mental and physical connection. I also enjoy girl play in the right situation, and of course couple play with my hot husband when that works out! Oh, and I’ve played as a SF with sexy couples at time or two. ; ) Those have been rare opportunities, my default is generally the hot single guy. I don’t seek girl-play but when I meet the right girl at a party or event and there’s instant chemistry it’s been fabulous. My favorite play is when my husband accompanies me on dates and we get to enjoy MMF play. When he’s along we get the best pics and videos from our play sessions and I keep him busy when he’s not behind the camera. in “other ways” too. He’s captured magnificent photos even though he’s not a professional photographer. When I play alone, one of our rules is that I have to take pics or videos. I prefer videos because I can turn it on and forget about it and enjoy the moment, and not think about capturing the perfect play pic. My videos never quite turn out as good as when my husband takes them. Speaking of pics and videos, we also enjoy creating sexy photo sessions when we travel, he especially likes outdoor nude pics. Fitness is a huge part of my life, I work hard to stay fit and I’m attracted to other like-minded fitness types. If you’re interested in knowing more about us find our profile on Kasidie, but beware, it’s long! xoxo

You can find us under profile “HWCouple702” on or by clicking the banner below