I was completely in love! Me, a simple young Polish girl was infatuated with an older sophisticated and, in my eyes, perfect man. The age difference did not bother me (he was almost 50 to my 22) – in fact I had always been attracted to older men. I just wanted more and more of Him – Renaud – all the time!
We met a few more times in that empty and secluded bar over the next few months – He didn’t want to risk meeting too often as it was in quite a prominent position in the middle of the village and He worried that we’d be discovered if we went there too often. Plus He was married! But I treasured our time together there.
Each meeting in the upstairs bar ran to a kind of routine – I would enter, remove my clothes and sit on a sofa with my legs uncrossed, my knees apart and we would mix conversation with sex. He would ask me about where I came from, what I had done in my life and he always managed to find a way to explain my actions as those of a true born submissive. When we were not talking, He would teach me how to pleasure him with my mouth and hands, but never neglected me, often using his own mouth on me – he showed me how incredibly sensitive my nipples had become. Each time He would take me to newer heights of pleasure, but Renaud never used his cock in my pussy and he never orgasmed himself. Even so, I still felt at the centre of his desire.
He asked me to do things naked – kneeling, sitting on a chair with my legs open, sitting on a chair on a raised platform. I particularly remember crawling on my hands and knees toward his rampant cock as He moved away from me; I would have crawled over broken glass for Him then when He stopped, me kneeling before Him and kissing his thick cock, I felt utterly depraved, but I loved Him. Every action of his was designed to strip away layers of perceived protection and make me feel vulnerable and to put submission to his will in my mind permanently. I did it all willingly because I knew he liked it and, besides, it meant I was with HIM! At first I didn’t understand why he was getting me to do these things, but gradually it all started to make sense.
But sex and an awareness of my own sexuality were not the only things he taught me. Renaud also started to make suggestions about what I wore, how I presented myself, how I should eat and drink – always striving to improve me from the relatively naive young Polish girl into a more sophisticated and mature woman. Yes, he didn’t just change me, He transformed me into a woman and I loved him for it. He encouraged me to wear more revealing clothing – nothing slutty as I still had to work and live in the village – but whatever I wore it was without bra and panties. Walking to work, I had nothing to do but think about Renaud. Gradually I became more aware of people around me seeing me in a different light – a more mature and confident woman – a woman with class and dignity! I took real pride in my appearance and in myself.
Little by little, my self-confidence grew under his tuition. In his bar after work, I spoke to strangers more, flirting with other men, something I had never done before meeting Renaud. Some asked me if I was having an affair with Renaud as my attention seemed to be always on him. Of course, I couldn’t answer truthfully as that would have ruined everything I was striving for, but this denial gave rise to another problem. If he wasn’t mine then he was free to talk to whoever he pleased – I grew jealous of the attention he gave to others, especially other women. Jealousy was something I would learn to control eventually but in that moment, it consumed me.
Meanwhile, my relationship with my boyfriend, Panek, had taken an interesting turn. Although things between us were becoming more and more difficult, we still had sex with each other. One reason for my continuing to fuck him was my growing jealousy of those who were taking Renaud’s attention away from me. My childish tantrum resulted in me trying to make Renaud envious of me – a move that failed miserably. Even flirting openly with other men failed to raise an eyebrow from Renaud.
It was a curious contradiction – I had never been one to initiate relationships with men but my new found confidence gained through my tuition from Renaud had given me the ammunition I thought I needed to get his attention away from these other women.
In any event, my jealousy was unwarranted – it was part of his work to interact with other patrons in his bar; to be the congenial host. Besides, he was a friendly kind of guy who made his customers feel welcome.
My attitude to sex was also changing due to my liaisons with Renaud – I was becoming more confident in my own abilities. I would wake in the middle of the night and start to stroke Panek into consciousness and have wild sex with him, no longer satisfied to be the passive party in our couplings. By fucking Panek in the way I did, I was trying to prove to myself that I was the woman that Renaud was shaping me to be.
Going without underwear was relatively simple to hide from Panek as we worked different hours but he did find out a couple of times. I simply told him it was for him – he readily believed me mainly because we were having more adventurous sex and he assumed this was the new me.
But sex with Panek was not at the top of my list of priorities – I wanted Renaud with all my heart and more.
But strangely sex with Renaud rarely resulted in him cumming, never in me and infrequently on me. He would stop me from finishing him off saying that my pleasure was more important than his – “I don’t need my satisfaction….only yours”. But he also said, “When you are ready, I will give you my cum.” In this way, he made me feel that the sex was all about me and not him; making me feel important while at the same time stripping away my protection and making me vulnerable. I would have to earn his cum! I would have to learn that I would need to fully commit to him to receive His cum.
The way I have written the story so far makes it seem that I was spending the majority of my time with Renaud. This was not the case – I was with Panek much more when I wasn’t working even though the shorter time I spent with Renaud counted for so much more.
The village was developing into a place that tourists like to come and soak up the authentic Greek atmosphere. Many of the older houses were undergoing renovation so there were a few building sites dotted around the vicinity of Renaud’s tourist bar. The modern style of Greek building involves putting up concrete columns to form a framework then filling in the gaps between them with brick. This resulted in enclosed areas inside that could be used for other purposes!

One of these sites was next door to the bar and Renaud instructed me to go there after my work. This was the first of many such meetings, most often only 10-15 minutes each time. To save time, he eventually told me to be naked when he arrived. Looking back now, it occurs to me, that these were not requests but orders – he wasn’t asking anymore – he expected to be obeyed – so I obeyed! Little did I know but the next stage of my training was about to begin.
One night He was playing with his fingers deep inside me when he told me to turn around and then not to move. I felt his fingers go between my ass cheeks and slide over my asshole. Using my own wetness as lubrication, he attempted to insert his finger in my ass but I was not relaxed at all – more nervous about it all rather than experiencing any pain. He could tell I was not comfortable so, telling me I needed to play with my ass and open it up each day, he left me standing there, naked and confused. I was devastated; feeling extremely vulnerable and incredibly sad. I thought maybe I was not good enough for him – I felt I had disappointed him.
On the way home alone, I cried in my heartbreak. The emotional roller-coaster from being so ecstatically happy to outright despair at letting him down was almost unbearable. When I reached our room, Panek was there and, seeing that I had been crying, asked what the matter was. Of course, I could not tell him the truth so I invented some trouble at work then I went to the bathroom to get undressed so that he would not see that I was naked under my dress. Panek called into the bathroom that he was going to the bar next door and that, after my shower, I should join him.
Alone in the shower, I washed then ran my hands down over my body and started to play with myself. Thinking about what Renaud had said, I used the soap and my own juices from my pussy to insert a finger into my ass, working it around to open myself a little. It didn’t take long for me to start to enjoy the sensation – so I sat down in the shower cubicle and my other hand went to my pussy and stroked my clit. When I was close to cumming, I tried to slide a second finger into my ass but I was not wet enough. So I continued to play until I orgasmed still with one finger deep in my ass.
The result of this experimentation was that I was now convinced that I could do what Renaud had ordered me to do – to open up my ass for him. This made me smile so I dressed and joined Panek in the bar. By the time I’d had a couple of drinks, I was in a much happier mood – Panek probably had a little too much to drink but it did not stop him being horny on the way home. He sat on a concrete wall and I sat on him, reaching between us to slip his cock into my naked pussy – once again I was without panties – Panek never even noticed! For once I actually enjoyed fucking him, even if he was drunk; Renaud had made me hungry for sex.
The next day, in the shower, I continued my anal exercise programme. Using baby oil, I managed to insert 2 fingers this time, slowly and carefully working to loosen myself up. I kept this up for the next few days, hoping that Renaud would arrange to meet me so I could show him my progress. But although he was there in his bar when I visited, no real communication took place between us. He was perfectly nice, looking at me with a smile on his face but nothing more. I was very confused and tried to talk to him but he avoided any meaningful conversation, simply telling me that he missed me.
This continued for days as I kept up my exercise regime opening my ass. Being with Panek consisted of fighting then sex then fighting again – my mood was affecting both of us badly.
Eventually, I couldn’t stand it any more so I confronted Renaud, asking him what had happened. He looked deep into my eyes and said, “Are you ready?”
It took me a few seconds to understand what he was asking and then I answered, “Yes, I believe so!”
“Belief is not enough! When you are sure, come back to me”, he answered.
That night, I took a shower and, using the baby oil again, I managed to force three fingers into my ass. I was ready!
The next evening, I approached Renaud and said with confidence that I was sure this time. He told me to meet him in the construction site after work. I remember the evening was windy but not cold which was good as He had told me to wait for him naked again. I was nervous as I stood in the semi-dark, smoking a few cigarettes as I waited for Him.
Suddenly, I heard someone and I was sure it was not Him. The noise was coming into the site where I was and I almost panicked that I would be discovered. Then I realised that there were 2 voices – it was a couple – a Greek guy that I knew and a woman who must have been a tourist as I didn’t recognise her.
Crouched down behind some building material, I watched them start to kiss and very soon, she crouched down in front of him and took his cock into her mouth. After a while, he lifted her up, turned her around and bent her over so he could slide his cock into her – she wasn’t wearing panties! I was so aroused and wet that, without conscious thought, I started to play with myself. I could just see her face; her dress masked her tits and I could see him behind her thrusting into her. The situation was surreal – there was only the noise of their movements – no voices – over the background sounds of the village, music in the distance and life going on undisturbed.
The guy said he was about to cum but she said “Not in me”. He was so close that, as he pulled out, he came all over her dress. I had to stop as I didn’t want them to hear me. After a short time, they both left leaving me once more alone, naked, aroused and impatient.
Renaud did not come! I was furious so I dressed and went back to the bar to confront him again. When I entered the bar, it was crowded but I spotted him, chatting and flirting with another woman. I couldn’t go straight up to him….that would have been too obvious – so I crossed to the bar under the pretext of getting a drink. His wife served me (which just made me even more jealous and angry) and then I stood at the bar as if I was looking for someone I knew. In reality I only had eyes for him. He eventually came over to me making it look like he was moving about the bar chatting to customers.
“Why didn’t you come?” I asked through gritted teeth.
He said he did but there were other people there so he left. I said he could have come back after they’d gone to tell me. I was so angry and disappointed – to leave me naked on the floor of his bar was one thing but to leave me standing naked in the dark in a building site almost felt disrespectful. How could he have left me there alone for so long and how could he be so cold when I asked for an explanation. It was if he didn’t care about me at all; that I was just another girl to be used and discarded. I was ready to give my ass to this man, excited about it, and he had let ME down.
I was so angry that I wanted to do something, anything, to make him realise how much he had hurt me. I had a couple more drinks before I went home – sort of Dutch courage. Panek was asleep in bed when I got there so, without removing my dress, I climbed onto the bed and took his soft cock into my mouth. As he hardened, I moved up and sat on top of him, sliding his now quickly stiffening shaft into my pussy. He was still half asleep but coming round rapidly to find himself being ridden hard. It was a furious fuck; my hips were rotating rapidly over him, forcing his long cock deeper and deeper.
He pushed me off, pulled my dress over my head and turned me onto all fours, slipping easily into me from behind, taking over the fuck.
I stopped him and climbed off the bed and into the bathroom. I came back holding the bottle of baby oil and told him to try again but this time in my ass. He was truly shocked as I had always refused him anal. I had decided that this was one way I could get back at Renaud. He would no longer be the one to take my ass for the first time. An added bonus would be that I could check that I could actually go through with it! A kind of rehearsal. Deep down I may also have been fighting the submissive in me by defying Renaud. To be perfectly honest, I needed the alcohol to be able to allow it – that and the fact that I was incredibly aroused by the thought of Panek being inside my ass for the first time.
Back on all fours, I felt him use the oil to slip one finger into my ass. I was so determined that he was going to fuck me anally that it could have hurt a hundred thousand times more than it did and I would still have continued. He put his cock right against my pucker and pushed slowly. With the oil, he entered me easily – I could feel my ass burning – then he was inside and he pushed deep. He started to talk dirty, calling me “you are my bitch” among other things then he started to move. It was still painful but soon that pain transformed into something different. He moved faster and faster and I started to play with my clit. The pain changed into intense pleasure and for the first time with Panek I had several orgasms before I felt him cumming deep within me.
I fell asleep almost instantly but not before realising that I had learnt something new that night – with pain could come pleasure………
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