Ladies Uplifting Ladies…

You may recognize both of these dynamic ladies from previous Lifestylers Magazine cover stories where they’ve been featured in previous years. Each of them, Goldie & Genie, are well known for their individual leadership within the Lifestyle community. Genie is a founding owner of GenieWishes Events, Arizona Fantasy Club, and the Hotwife Community. Goldie leads La Dolce Vita, Golden Pussy, and the Shedo Shack. The great news today is that they’ve formed a collaborative partnership driven by their shared commitment to female empowerment, Shedonism, and a deep motivation to uplift sex-positive women. This article delivers some vital “Questions & Answers” that capture the essence of their new friendship, and the inspirational forces behind their ambitions. We encourage your comments as well as any thoughtful questions you have for them to respond to in future articles. Enjoy!
Q: Let’s start at the beginning of this dynamic new friendship. How did the two of you meet each other?
After learning about Genie Wishes and the amazing experiences they offer, my husband and I were intrigued and interested in getting to know Genie. My passion and ethos is that Women should be the top of the spear in the lifestyle. Thus I was eager to meet Genie and learn about her experiences and keys to success in the Lifestyle. I was not looking specifically for any outcome, but our client list and ethos seemed to intersect, I was hopeful something positive could develop over time. So I reached out to Genie via Kasidie. However, due to our busy schedules and conflicting commitments, it took some time for our calendars to align. Juggling work, family, and personal obligations can be challenging, but we were determined to meet her. Finally, after some months we were able to synchronize our schedules and plan a meeting.
I started hearing about Goldie through friends who told us about the wonderful events she was creating along with her partner D. Our friends understand how much we enjoy collaborating. So they told us that we should team up with Goldie on some events. Then I noticed how Goldie was reaching out to other female leaders in the LS community with an interest in supporting each other. So I was hooked even before we met in person lol! Our first meeting was at a fun little downtown bar in Phoenix. We sat in a private loft area where we could speak freely about our values and experiences in the Lifestyle.
Yes, when the day finally arrived, we were filled with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. Meeting someone for the first time can always be a little nerve-wracking, but knowing what Genie Wishes stood for and how much we had connected virtually put us at ease. Since that initial meeting, our relationship has continued to flourish. We have experienced unforgettable adventures together, exploring new horizons and embracing the freedom of the lifestyle.
It didn’t take me long to confirm how much I admire Goldie, to recognize how much we genuinely have in common, and to celebrate how aligned our goals are. So my next thought was “why didn’t we meet sooner!”
The journey so far with Genie has been particularly beautiful. We have found ourselves on the same wavelength when it comes to our approach to the lifestyle and our understanding of what brings us joy and fulfillment. This shared understanding has created a strong foundation for our partnership.
Q: Tell us more about how the new partnership between your various groups going so far?
The new partnership between our various groups has been going incredibly well so far. As with any new collaboration, there are always some initial challenges to overcome. Each group has its own unique way of operating, and it can take time to find a balance and establish a rhythm that works for all parties involved. However, I must say that the experience has been nothing short of fantastic. One of the reasons why this partnership has been so successful is because we share many commonalities and values. Our groups have similar goals, visions, and beliefs. This alignment has made it easier to collaborate and work together towards a shared purpose. Our journey with Genie Wishes is a testament to the power of genuine connection in the lifestyle and the incredible experiences that can arise from them.
The cornerstone of GenieWishes has always been female empowerment within the Lifestyle setting. This begins with establishing a sex-positive mindset and extends to others as we lift each other up rather than tearing each other down. All of that can obviously include our wonderful men as well. But we are particularly pro-active related to supportive female connections. So when I learned about Goldie’s passions, I knew the two groups would work really well together.
And not only do we work well together, but we also have a lot of fun. The energy and enthusiasm within our groups are infectious, and it has brought a new level of excitement and enjoyment to our experiences. We are constantly learning from one another, pushing boundaries, and growing as individuals and as a collective. We are excited to see where this collaboration takes us and the incredible experiences that await us in the future.
Q: With so much in common, I wonder if you both had similar childhoods. Where did you grow up, and how did your upbringing influence your views about female sexuality?
I lived in different parts of California growing up. I ultimately landed in Northern California where I met my partner, G, simply as friends in high school. He was always so warm, caring, outgoing and confident. In contrast, I was very shy back then, an extreme introvert and people pleaser. I was essentially a rule-following “church girl.” I followed my parents strict rules and rarely ever spoke up, out of fear of being admonished or shamed. Unfortunately, I adopted my parents views regarding female sexuality, monogamy, and modesty. There was a heavy dose of teaching “appropriate, lady like” behavior. So for me, female sexuality often had guilt and shame attached.
I grew up in Europe in a Catholic household. Need I say more? Conversations about sex were pretty much one sided. I was told that I should save myself for marriage…Sex was sacred… Ultimately I’m here to procreate. So there was a certain level of shame and denial for me about my own sexuality. Even though I was a sexual being early on, I hid for years that I masturbated. In my early 20’s I experimented a lot. I would often indulge and then I’d feel a great sense of regret and shame. Society and family dynamics taught me to believe that if I engaged in consensual sexy pleasure it was immoral, wrong, and quite often I was viewed as a slut. It was society and family dynamics that warped my thinking. But I found myself in my 30’s. I found what I love about myself, what I enjoy and what brings me pleasure. Something that I like to say is “Pleasure is not a luxury, it is a necessity.”
So Goldie and I both grew up in environments that shamed most forms of sexuality for women. Within my marriage to G, he encouraged me to challenge those ideas. He has always been very liberated and strong willed. But I was such a conformist that it was very difficult for me to embrace sex positive behaviors. The conditioning had been so deep, and I required many years of slowly pulling myself up into a different way of thinking.
Q: Wow, what message would you want to share with younger, impressionable women who are struggling to become comfortable and confident with their own sexuality?
To the younger women who are struggling to become comfortable and confident with their own sexuality, I want to share a message of encouragement and empowerment: First and foremost, embrace your desires. Your sexuality is a natural and a beautiful part of who you are. There is no shame in having sexual desires or fantasies. It is important to learn to accept and celebrate them without judgment. Don’t be afraid to explore and experiment. Discovering your own desires and what brings you pleasure is a journey of self-discovery. Give yourself the permission to try new experiences, whether it be through self-exploration or with a trusted partner or partners. Remember, it is completely okay to say no to anything that doesn’t align with your comfort level or boundaries. Equally it is completely okay to say yes, I love that!
My interest in female empowerment began about 15 years ago. Given my previous views related to sexuality, the growth was very slow for me. Every woman is different. But I like to share that my journey required me to recognize my own lack of empowerment, and then it took some time to fully realize, learn, practice, and rewire what had been hardwired for so long. I’ve seen the powerful change in myself. So I feel compelled to share my story and background and struggles to hopefully help other women as they find their own path as well.
Yes! It can also be beneficial to connect with other women who share similar experiences and struggles. Surrounding yourself with a supportive community can provide a safe space for open and honest conversations about sexuality. Sharing fears, doubts, and questions with others who have been where you are can help in navigating through any challenges and finding the confidence to fully embrace your sexuality. Honesty with yourself is vital. Take time to understand your likes, dislikes, boundaries, and preferences. Learning to be honest with yourself enables you to advocate for your own pleasure and well-being. Trust your instincts and listen to your inner voice when it comes to making decisions about your own sexuality. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to sexuality. Each individual’s desires and preferences are unique and personal. Embrace your individuality and learn to love and accept yourself exactly as you are. Ultimately, the journey of becoming comfortable and confident with your own sexuality is about self-discovery, self-acceptance, and embracing pleasure as a natural and fulfilling part of life. Trust yourself, be kind to yourself, and know that you deserve to experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from embracing and exploring your own sexuality.

Q: Genie, how do you see your work with GenieWishes & Arizona Fantasy Club connected to your previous work with the Empowered Ladies of the Lifestyle?
I see my work with GenieWishes & Arizona Fantasy Club as an extension of my Empowered Ladies work. The original vision for the Empowered Ladies was focused on a small group of my friends supporting each other with the new Lifestyle journeys we were starting. Over time, that group evolved and eventually G and I were creating events, leading conversations about safety and etiquette, coaching couples, and ultimately shifting to a wider audience and influence.
Q: What motivates each of you to invest so much time in support of other women?
I enjoy all of our different group leadership roles, but one of the things I enjoy most about our Lifestyle community is how the women support one another & lift each other up. It’s awesome to be in a space where women recognize that you don’t have to tear each other down to build yourself up. So many of us experienced the painful impact of “mean girls” who bullied and lashed out at women who they viewed as rivals. But those petty rivalries were not authentic. The truth is that women do not need to compete with each other. In fact, there are so many societal factors pulling us down, that we actually need to build each other up to compensate and empower each of us to reach our own potential as friends, as mothers, as sisters, and importantly, as lovers. So I’m very passionate about fostering an environment where women can be their true selves, and organically lift each other up each step of the way.
So everything that I have come to know and learn was freely given to me by a beautiful group of women. Not once did they ever ask for anything. No expectation of receiving anything in return. They just wanted to help, I will forever to be grateful for having had these women in my life and they will never truly know what they did for me. Over the years I have met some truly exceptional woman, I’ve seen the light that they’ve had inside but they couldn’t see it themselves. When they finally realize and understand who they are, what they stand for and the woman they want to be moving toward it’s really an incredible human experience to be part of. Being able to connect and help where I can is what motivates me. Human connection is such a fundamental part of my day to day life and something I try not to take for granted.
Q: Goldie, tell us about your newest vision: the Shedo Shack.
The Shedo Shack, is an innovative community dedicated to women who identify as vulva owners. This unique space provides a safe and judgment-free environment where women can freely share their experiences without fear of prejudice. I am excited to host various events and activities at the Shedo Shack, including play parties, seminars on sexual health, networking opportunities, and more.
Beyond fostering discussions centered around sexuality, I have also developed a philosophy called Shedonism™ that extends beyond just the realm of sex. Shedonism™ embraces the philosophy of hedonism, which emphasizes pleasure as a primary goal in life. However, it is important to note that Shedonism™ advocates for indulgence in a healthy and mindful manner, ensuring that it brings no harm to oneself or others.
My ultimate objective for the Shedo Shack is to cultivate a vibrant community where women feel empowered to open up, ask any questions without hesitation, and share pleasurable stories. It serves as a space where new memories are created, friendships are formed, and connections are nurtured. Together, we can build an inspiring environment that celebrates women’s experiences, fosters personal growth, and promotes a positive perspective on pleasure and fulfillment.
Q: What roles do your male partners play in your leadership journey?
I’ve known G since I was 15 years old and he has always amazed me with his emotional intelligence and support for other people. I think that his unusual self awareness and confidence, free him up to consistently put other people first. He was born to be a leader, but he is the kind of leader that thinks deeply about how his actions can help others. So he has been a model for myself, and others, to see what “servant leadership” can look like, not only in the vanilla world but in the Lifestyle realm too. He inspires me and he consistently encourages me to believe in myself as I have stepped into leadership roles. I’m thankful to have a safe space within my home and marriage. That security is a crucial element of my evolving empowerment.
I am beyond blessed to have such an incredible husband. From the moment we met he let me take the steering wheel, he put me center front and has let me navigate the way. He touches a great many lives with his warm heart and infectious laughter. We have such an incredible relationship that has fostered an environment that encourages openness, a constant dialogue and creativity.
My husband is my heart, soul and biggest supporter. He guides me in a gentle manner when I go off track and we constantly talk. To be with a man that supports my every endeavor whether it be business or pleasure, words will never fully express my love and the gratitude that runs deeply.