Lifestyle Spotlight Photographer

Captured Erotica

Captured Erotica is a native Georgian, living most of his life in Atlanta. He spent several years working in the corporate world… founding a company with national scope, but his artistic soul could not be denied. The need to create and capture erotic beauty was a priority. So in 2007 he passed the company torch to his business partner and took up photography full time.
Photography is his chosen form of communication with the world. His passion. It is what drives him and keeps him moving forward. He strives to find beauty in everyone and everything he encounters. If the images he’s created conjure feelings inside the viewer and make it a memorable experience, then he feels that he has done his job as an artist.
The erotic side of photography for him started at the age of 16, when he convinced a girl he had a crush on in high school to let him take her picture. All he had for a camera was a $5 disposable. She came to his house and let him shoot the whole role. He was hooked.
Captured Erotica is happy to explore the unbeaten paths in Europe or take a back-road trip across the United States, seeking to capture images that other people simply cannot see themselves. There are so many interesting people and places to experience and share with the viewer. Whether a model tied to an isolated dying tree on the beaches of Jekyll Island, a nude female wearing nothing but high heels pushing a lawnmower on a rainy afternoon, or a hunky alpha male wearing a ladybug costume and aviator sunglasses while striking a masculine boxing pose in the middle of White Sands New Mexico national park, he sees beauty everywhere and strives to convey that in his photographs.
Since Covid, he has temporarily stopped travel and has been doing photo shoots for clients as well as teaching erotic photography workshops at his property in North Georgia. With over 320 acres, a waterfall, a mile of riverfront property, an old weathered barn and multiple trunks and boxes full of every kind of BDSM equipment and play toy you can think of, there are endless themes and scenarios to photograph.

BSC PhotographyLV

It all started with those eyes. Captivating, sensual, seducing, and soul stealing. I began photographing her every moment I could. In those days, it was on early generation iPhones, but still I had a knack for finding the right mood, the right look, capturing and enhancing artistically with post editing exposure and color balancing apps.
By the time we got to an iPhone 7, we had started recording BJ videos. Those eyes, looking up at me as I held the phone camera at the perfect angle to capture her passionately devouring my cock. I spent hours editing them, adjusting speed, setting background music, filtering… for nobody’s pleasure but my own. Well that’s not entirely true… I’m sure there are a few of them floating around the internet. Oh well, great masturbatory material, so have at it!
After my wife had lost over 100 pounds, she wanted to celebrate her new look with a professional boudoir session. We both wanted high quality, professional sensual photographs to enjoy together. Sadly, the results were not the best.
This inspired me, as I knew that if I had the right gear, I could do better. I had been capturing those eyes and more with my iPhone for years and delivered better results even with far fewer pixels in my images.
I was also captivated by boudoir in general. Let me get this right… gorgeous women would not only want me to take photographs of them in sexy lingerie and/or nude and pay me for doing so? I’m in!
In September 2021 I took the plunge and spent a small fortune (to me) on a quality camera, lenses, lighting, etc., and began watching hours of videos online to learn as much as I could about REAL photography, lighting, boudoir, posing, and post-editing.
While I’ve been on a fast-paced learning track, I can truly say I know enough now to know that I don’t know shit! There is so much to learn in this journey to be at that professional level. When I look back now to my first several photo sessions, I can humbly say I’ve come a long way in a short time and continue to improve daily.
I have now begun taking on clients for boudoir and have also done a few events. Though I’m only sharing pictures of my wife in this magazine, my customers have all been extremely pleased with their results.
I still have a lot to learn, yet I am pleased with my progress. I feel that I have a natural eye for capturing subjects in an artistic way, and that I’ve developed my post-editing skills, primarily using Adobe Lightroom, to a high level.
My goals are to continue to learn and improve to the point where this can become less of a side hustle, and more of a second career. As my wife and I continue to build content together, our next step will be getting into videography and launching an online business for her to attract fans.


I spent the first 15 years of my career as a full time professional photographer. I loved the work and did everything from crazy automobile shoots to table top photography. I also had the privilege of shooting any number of amazingly beautiful women and some pretty good looking guys.
I got out of full time photography when shooting what other people wanted me to shoot wasn’t fun anymore. Photoshop changed our business from an art form and getting paid required more effort for less reward and it was time to move along.
But I never stopped shooting sensual images for friends and acquaintances and 10 years ago Bentographer was born, combining a love for kink, sensual imagery and story telling. Since then I’ve done literally thousands of shoots and the image collections from all of them amount to over 8 Terabytes of crazy fun.
People ask me what I like to shoot and the answer is complicated. I like to shoot people. I like to shoot kink scenes with rope and leather in darkness or in light. I like to shoot the interaction between lovers.
Light still fascinates me. I consider myself an available light photographer and that means I will use any light that’s available. I didn’t make that up, but it’s accurate. Over the years I’ve shot with everything from strobes and soft boxes to larger LED panels and, believe it or not, I’ve also used the sun in countless ways.
How does the light speak to the subject? How does it accentuate the rise of her breast or hide (or expose) her naughty bits? How does it make her ass look just right?
My favorite shoots remain women who want images for their own use and in particular, women who’ve not “done this” before. I have a file of emails from women who can’t believe the woman in the images is really them, even though there isn’t a stitch of photoshop involved in its creation.
I shoot women and people who identify as women and I shoot women and their partners. I very rarely shoot men.
I travel a lot these days and shoot when I can and when there’s someone fun and interesting to work with. If this seems like fun you can drop me a line through any of the links and we can chat about it. In the meantime, happy trails.

Seb Kinbaku

Seb Kinbaku has been interested in Shibari for more than 10 years as well as Tantra, and Tui-Na. Former Personal Trainer, he used all this knowledge to practice Kinbaku.
He expresses his creativity through restraints, aestheticism and the emotional link he creates with his partner. He met Malice in 2015. They blossomed as a pair using ropes to create a unique moment expressing Love and Emotion.
They produced the Shibari Guidebook, the photo book L’Emotion de la Contrainte and founded the Kinbaku Nest, a private shibari dojo at the foot of the Eiffel Tower.
Shibari is to me a subtle balance between restraints, estheticism and emotionnal link. Each rope scene arises from the meeting of my model’s energy and mine. It’s a moment of intense feeling that pushes me to seek the perfect combination of the body and the ropes. I’m happy to share theses compositions and my knowledge through this website, monthly seminars and private tuitions.
When I think about Kinbaku, sharing is key. I started my Kinbaku seminars to convey my passion to everyone who could be interested. I want to pass on what I learnt : basic knowledge about respect, security, and the will to let your imagination guide the rope. I won’t have you copy my ropes passages, blocks and knots as can be seen in many French workshops. But those lessons intend to making you trust your dexterity, your partner, your way/your desire when handling the rope.
Everything I teach in my seminars, you can find in SHIBARI, MODE D’EMPLOI. A book for beginners, teaching the basics of Kinbaku in English, as well as in French, with more than 80 detailed pictures to help you all the way to intricate ties.
Another Kinbaku book you’ll find is a collection of all traditional figures of Shibari tied and shot by myself! I very much wished to share my universe, my emotions through printed pictures and thus “Shibari l’Emotion de la Contrainte” was born.