So you wanna be a HOT GIRL?

“Being a “Hot Girl” is about being unapologetically YOU, having fun, being confident, living YOUR truth , being the life of the party etc” -Meg the Stallion

If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you jump with them? Maybe. How high is the cliff? I’ve always been the type to get cold feet right before i do something big. Call it last minute jitters maybe?. It was 2014. After being couples only for about 6 years, we had dipped our toe in the hotwife lifestyle. I was definitely enjoying myself but things were moving rather sloooow. It wasn’t like the super hot encounters i have today. Some things i had a hard time with. Just accepting the whole thing ya know? I felt like a “bad girl” but i had always prided myself with being “Good”. Even on my play dates i was quite reserved at the start but would loosen up later. I felt this desire within to “do more”. But i was a little afraid. Would would my play date think? Maybe he doesn’t like aggressive girls? Oh well, ill just wait on him. I had a few play dates where all we did was “wait”. Play dates where i’d get massaged all night but nothing else. Was it me? Was it the guys? I couldn’t put my finger on it. All i know is i wanted to act out but couldn’t get the courage to. I was longing for another woman to talk about things with. Like a “hotwife” mentor. I had this when we were swinging but ended up losing touch with her. I think they moved to another state. She wasn’t a hotwife anyway.
Then one day my husband showed me a profile on kaside. KND420626. He kept going on about how the female half looked similar to me. Similar to me? I had see this. Tall like me? Yep. Cute face like me? Yep. Big boobs like me? Yep. Nice butt like me? Yep. Boy was he right. She was HOT! I read their profile, they seemed like a lot of fun to hang with. In our experience, it was a rarity to find other black couples in the lifestyle in general but now a couple with a black hotwife? We had to meet them. Why though? What were we trying to do here? Full swap? We noticed that they were experienced in the hotwife lifestyle. This could be a good opportunity for both my husband and i to learn some things and have a new couple to hang with. We had always wanted some long term “lifestyle” friends anyway.
We sent some emails back and forth before meeting My husband and Mr. KND both thought it would be hot for us girls to make friends eventually leading to us having little hotwife adventures on our own together. I must admit, this did sound pretty hot to me and Mrs. KND as well. They were year younger than us, but they were more experienced with the hotwife lifestyle. So I felt that this would be a good opportunity to befriend someone who could help me grow and be more comfortable with my sexuality as a hotwife.

If SBKB69 took us to another hotwife galaxy, KND420626 helped gas up the spaceship and took us to the moon. Our first meeting was at downtown Disney for dinner. Hella cool couple! What else can i say? We have so many similarities with the exception of us not being Lakers fans. I was fascinated by Mrs KND. She was all about that “hot girl” life. We told both of them about some of the things we wanted to experience with together. We were all on the same page. We have some amazing husbands. It was all about the us girls and making sure we get to have the best sexual experiences possible and all having good times together. We couldn’t stop texting about them the next day. Below is a text from my husband i still have saved from the day after.
“Unfettered feminine sexuality is such a beautiful thing to witness in real time. As an observer and active participant. The whole process does something special to me. From going to the hair salon then to the nail shop after. Putting on that new dress, along with that sexy new push up bra and panties I bought you. Putting on your make up. Spraying your perfume. Looking at yourself in the mirror and acknowledging how hot you look. Basking in your confidence and accepting your sexuality. Then going on a hot date with a hot guy of you choice. Then hopefully, ending the night with hot mutli-session sex. Getting fucked just the way you like to get fucked. Then fucking you some more when you see me” After reading that text. I was already embracing what was about to come. I was so happy to have his support.
So about 6 years ago on the way to one of their homes in Arizona for one of the last River Regatta events, we stopped by Las Vegas. We got there super late but KND were still up partying. That was the night I really came out of my shell. We met them at an upscale strip club and hung out for a few hours. The drinks were flowin’. Me and Mrs. KND were chatting it up. She’s so fun to talk to. Everyone was having fun. Then Mrs. KND jumped on stage and started dancing with one of the strippers. That was soooo hot! She had so much courage. She even took her top off. I could never do something like that. I just sat there and admired her…..not for too long
Mrs. KND came off stage, grabbed my hand and brought me on stage with her. We were dancing on stage in front of the Entire club. I felt so nervous on the way to the stage. Seemed like it took forever to get up there. Once i got up there, me and Mrs. KND started making out. It was so hot!! She carressed the back of my neck as we kept making out. Then she reached over to the straps of my dress and proceeded slide them down quickly and super fucking efficiently. Exposing my boobs for all to see She grabbed them and sucked and licked them on stage . There was a row of booths behind the stage that were filled with men. All those booths cleared out and the guys came to watch some REAL hot girls on stage. They started throwing money profusely upon us. All that attention turned me on and I just embraced it. I took Mrs. KND’s Big, already exposed boobs and returned the favor to her. It was so entertaining, that the stripper actually stepped off stage, took a seat and watched us do our thing. I was so proud of myself. I felt so sexy and was having a great time. We stepped off stage to a big ovation. I couldn’t believe I had done something like that. Shortly, after that we packed up and left to our hotels as we had to leave early the next morning. To end the night appropriately, Mrs KND and I took a photo together standing next to a BIG over sized statue of a golden dick inside the strip club. Very fitting seeing as we both have an affinity for larger dicks. When my husband and I got in our taxi, he whispered to me. “I’m so proud of you”.
We went to the River regatta the next day and had a blast. Me and Mrs. KND got to connect and talk about a lot. We’re all good friends today. Her and Mrs. SBKB69 are always there for me whenever I need to talk or get advice about certain scenarios we encounter in our hotwife progression. We’re also there for each other when finding and recommending hot guys of course. As a matter of fact I need to text them and set up another hot girl night. Part 2 coming soon