Virtually Impossible… Sexual Freedom

Embracing Sexual Freedom: My Journey to Uninhibited Desire

Cover Virtually Impossible KM1011

There is an exhilarating inner feeling of pure freedom when you suddenly realize you are capable of fulfilling every sexual desire you can imagine, without shame or condemnation.  Immersed in pure sexual fulfillment!


This exhilarating feeling of sexual freedom can be quite a feat after an education filled with strict moral codes. 

My sexual desire started innocently enough in high school  despite the myriad  of negative labels used to define anything outside of heterosexual monogamous relationships.  How!  could anyone deny the beauty of women after spending the latter part of puberty in close proximity to them for  four long years? 

For me? Virtually impossible! 

So many of my fantasies then and now, center around beautiful women.  And because of this I was open to one of the most life changing, beautiful experiences of my life.  The experience is related to a Beautiful Woman, blonde, blue eyed, funny, caring and terribly engaging. This  Blonde Beauty’s only focus was women, with no desire to experience men.  

At the time I did not know her focus, nor would it have mattered if I knew, I liked her, a lot!   Women for me were a forbidden delight that fueled my late night kitty play!  Nonetheless, we forged a friendship.  Looking back, she courted me as well as any man: lunches, dinners, spending Saturdays in downtown Philly on South Street, lot of innocent flirting.  I enjoyed every minute and became more and more open to all possibilities. 

 I was very innocent and never realized what was happening until much later in our relationship.  At the time of our meeting, this Blonde Beauty had a roommate, a woman, who she eventually separated from and moved to her own apartment. Of course her new Best Friend needed to see it! So on a gorgeous summer night in July, my Beauty invited me to see her new apartment and have pizza and cannabis. And after the cannabis, the pizza and ice cold Pepsi, with Seal’s (1991 album) as a backdrop, my Blonde Beauty kissed me and as a consequence, my pants were removed and I experienced one of the most satisfying cunnilinguing experiences of my life.  

At the time, I had a boyfriend, so I was quite familiar with what men bring to the table, but it is very nice to have someone concentrate exclusively on your Kitty with their mouth!  

Throughout our seven month relationship, I learned a lot about myself and was eventually able to assimilate and accept my delight in  beautiful women.  Reminiscing,  This experience placed me firmly on the path of letting go of someone’s else’s  view of what sexuality should look like for me. She and all her friends embraced their sexuality, and exclusions without reservation or excuse, shame or self condemnation. Eventually, I adopted this view as my way of life.  I  learned that I was targeted and between her friends, wagered if they could  “flip” me. When a risk is taken there is always the possibility you could lose. 

As I said, I had a boyfriend at the time, and I ended my relationship with him in lue of the relationship with my Blond Beauty.  And for a moment it was wonderful, we had fun!  

Eventually she wanted exclusivity of men and everyone else from me.  However, the strap on replacement was for me, not as fulfilling as the actual object which offers so much more not just physically, but physiologically.  And so, with great sadness the relationship ended. Leaving me with very fond memories, and accepting  the beauty of a woman and my unabashed desire to  touch  and please them  if all the elements are present. 

Sexual Freedom

The relationship with my Blonde Beauty also left me with the desire to be free of the constraints of my education.  These restraints left me feeling confined and unsatisfied. Afraid to admit to myself and others what I needed to be satisfied sexually.  I had a boyfriend who loved to rub my buttocks.  He would get very close to my anus, which drove me wild, but I was just as apprehensive for him to explore more as he was. Both of us being  too embarrassed and ashamed, to even suggest we explore more, we were both left unsatisfied. 

Having had too many relationships end this way, it suddenly occurred to me, perhaps I need to join a sex site!   This way I’ll be able to enjoy all my desires!  The joining of my first sexual website was a Homecoming for me.  I was finally free!  With one small drawback.  My repulsion of labels.  I wanted to be free of everything, enjoy everything without a label! However, with time, I’ve  come to terms with labels, for identification purposes only, what I’m open to, not  how I’m expected to behave in every situation. 

Shortly after joining the sex website, I met a man who truly embraces every sexual desire I can imagine, allowing Us to have some of the most amazing sexually satisfying experiences of my life. He not only accepts my sexual desires but accepts me physically. No one lies more to us than ourselves (a quote from someone far more insightful than me!) .

His vision of me has prompted me  to be  bolder  and confident which has led to all sorts of fun experiences and ideas. We’ve been delightfully ambushed at a Sex Club; I’ve had an erotic massage; enjoyed being photographed in lingerie; joined and became a Coordinator for an all Girls Sex Club (GUC) for my area; created my own Sex Group (BlueSkyeAdventures), which hosted a Margarita Toy Party, A No Clothing Pool Party, Photo Shoot and an upcoming Christmas House Party with six playrooms and I have many more naughty ideas  for the New Year!   

Finally, I am at a place where I make no apologies for what and who excites me, or any and all desires.

Truely, unequivocally The Love Of My Life. Who this experience is attributed to and with  a gratitude which can never be measured, I Thank You! I loved you from the Beginning, Now and Always. Finally, I am at a place where I make no apologies for what and who excites me, or any and all desires. So,  I finish where I started:  it  is an exhilarating inner feeling of pure freedom when you suddenly realize you are capable of fulfilling every sexual desire you can imagine, without shame or condemnation.  Immersed in pure sexual fulfillment!

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Owner & Creator of the Lifestylers Magazine, a place to read "Everything Lifestyle, By The Lifestylers"...

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