Sexy Selfie CenterFold- 67

The Sexy Mrs “PartyPants”: We’re a no-nonsense married couple from Las Vegas always looking for new people to meet.  Full swap with couples, single women, select single men… Or all of the above at the same time possibly.  Who knows?  Mostly interested in people that have an “alternative” style; Tattoos, piercings, fun hair, though we’re open to everyone!   Also, not really looking to go on “dates” with people.  If we click over texting or on the phone, just swing on by.  We all know why we’re here.  Hit us up on Kasidie, our username is Partypants!

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About Author /

Owner & Creator of the Lifestylers Magazine, a place to read "Everything Lifestyle, By The Lifestylers" and a husband to a Hotwife...


  • Sally & Mitch
    2 years ago Reply

    Super HOT! Love how artistic all the lifestylers are!! What a lovely set of shots and lady!!

    • Kristy
      1 year ago Reply

      Aww, thanks guys!

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