Sexy Selfie CenterFold-25

Mrs- “FUNLVN24U” It’s all about “Mrs Fun”…. we have been in the lifestyle for over 15 years together and enjoy the freedom, fun and exciting times the lifestyle presents us.  The lifestyle has changed for us over the years from soft swap to full swap to 1 on 1 play with singles and some single F bi-play.  I am the quintessential lady in the streets and freak in the sheets and we both love meeting new people and making life long friends.  It’s all about Good (sex) times (sex) and good vibes (sex).  We love kinky, kind and sexy comments and like sharing!  We are always open to new ideas, places and positions and look for friendly, funny, likeminded couples or singles who are out to have fun not fulfill expectations.  Not to say fun times don’t happen on first dates but the lifestyle is full of pushy temporary experimenters that we try to avoid.  We’ve enjoyed newbies and lifestyle pros and we prefer the people who are involved for a lifestyle not the ones who are only testing the waters, wouldn’t share their partner if they had one or will be out of the lifestyle next relationship!  Come say hello on Kasadie, Lifestylelounge and Fetlife!

If you would like to reach out to us you can find us under profile “FUNLVN24U” on, and or by clicking the banner below.

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About Author /

Owner & Creator of the Lifestylers Magazine, a place to read "Everything Lifestyle, By The Lifestylers" and a husband to a Hotwife...


  • LeaandMick
    3 years ago Reply


    • funlvn24u
      2 years ago Reply

      Thank you….not sure anyone has seen this!

  • Nick
    2 years ago Reply

    Love your photos!

  • Zee
    2 years ago Reply

    Wow Amazing, one lucky guy

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