A Different Color Blue- Chapter 3

I have had quite the vantage point for more years than I care to admit to all the real and imagined feelings that have sprung forth from people in and about this Lifestyle we and many others lead on a night like this. A witness to the reality of life and what is really inside the heads of most all people these days. The sage guardian of all that is sacred, sexual and sensual. Dressed as someone should be for an evening such as this, NOT as if I had just played golf and my wife is dressed to thrill as well.

I sit and watch, greeting everyone as they enter, more wine, cheese and bread and my bride at my side as the kaleidoscope of colors and textures unfolds before us… promising little or promising much, depending on how true to their real nature they really are, as the evening progresses. Their clothes can do little to hide many things, but what truly lies in their heads and hearts many times can be another thing.

Some are a little timid with their intentions than they care to admit. Fearing that to fulfill the fantasy in their head would make that head explode or lead them down a path they could not return from or worse yet… enjoy it. They sit quietly trying to figure out what they really want to do. Some will eventually jump into the fray. Some will not.

Then there are the aggressive ones who know what they want. New conquests, new adventures, and experiences they have not had yet. They move quickly and freely among the crowd searching for kindred spirits. The sword swallowers, the pole dancers, the multiple takers and same sex quakers, the role players, the face sitters along with the pain makers and takers. All risk takers in their own ways… albeit calculated ones.

Those in the middle simply blend into the mix of things making everything a cohesive mash of body parts as I move my way through the crowd. An elbow here, an erect nipple there and more than a smile or two with kisses as I pass through the appreciative group. Intimacies are being exchanged along with many other things as the energy level in the room seems to jump about tenfold. People are starting to become drunk, but not because of the wine, as the room takes on its own shade of blue.  Inhibitions are rapidly disappearing as quickly as the wine and it won’t be long before a crossroads is reached, and a decision must be made… do we take this party to its inevitable climax here in this café or do we take it elsewhere? There is only so much one can do with one’s clothes on in a, somewhat, public setting and how much of an exhibitionist are you really? Are you willing to risk it all and fall deeper down the rabbit hole as the smell of the wine, sweat and sex fill your nostrils or should you retreat to safer places where you know that when you hit the bottom of the hole… the landing is soft?  The blue is getting bluer and tints the atmosphere. The questions are coming faster. Not only in your head, but from those around you. There is no such thing as indecisiveness right now… only what to say yes to first.

I have had the good fortune over the past fifteen plus years to host, along with my sexy wife, a meet & greet like this for people in our Lifestyle. The “Lifestyle” is a name currently applied to what people used to commonly call “Swingers”. Why did the name change? Who the hell knows? I am sure it has a great deal to do with the Internet and everybody’s mother and son suddenly deciding they wanted to be part of it, but that is another story.

Twice a month we host a gathering at an upscale wine bar or other place for about one hundred and fifty like-minded sexy people of all ages, shapes and sizes. It is always a colorful event and there are always questions from the newbies, hugs and kisses from the veterans and all sorts of interesting things in between. We are not bashful people. Sexuality and sensuality are in our DNA. We do not flaunt it, but we don’t hide it either.

The attire from the women is always amazing as they always “Dress to Thrill”. Some, most, of the guys still fall horribly short, however. There always seems to be a few that think flip flops or old athletic shoes with cargo shorts and a shirt are acceptable evening wear. I do not get it. The women’s attire is saying “Come Fuck Me” and the guy’s clothes are saying “Can I mow your lawn?”.

This night was filled with stunningly beautiful people. Several of the women I would not think of playing with simply because I have children older than they were and in a couple of cases Grandchildren ALMOST their age. That aside, there were one or two I found myself imagining them splayed out on a bed somewhere. Something that does happen from time to time for just as many reasons as there are people. Because of what they were wearing their secrets had already been exposed to me. Their personal proclivities inside themselves were yet to be discovered.

One was a thin platinum blond with short spiky hair, porcelain skin, insane blue eyes and a mini dress the same color as her eyes and Louboutin shoes to match. She and her husband had spent eighteen years living in Cabo San Lucas and now lived in the neighborhood, so we were all comparing notes. They had questions, as do many. During a brief history lesson, I had mentioned how it had gone from “Nice shoes wanna fuck?” to what it is today. Which is a total clusterfuck of issues before anybody gets into bed. She obligingly raised her legs and spread them to display her shoes while showing me a sweet, shaved pussy with pale pink skin inside. Almost virginal, but I knew better. Her ass looked well used, but picturesque. An amazing view to be sure.  I had watched her with other people and knew she was bi or at least “bi-comfortable” as some say these days. Which is a lame way to gain acceptance in the Lifestyle today, but women still do it. Mostly from the “Encouragement” of the man in their life. What else she was into I could only imagine. I could see her taking multiple men at once and enjoying it, filling all her holes at once. I could see her being intimate with women yet was that for her pleasure or her husbands… I did not have a read on that just yet, but she was stunning and something to explore, at a later date.

People moved in and out with their usual flair. There is always one that makes walking an art. Women have forgotten how to walk. Some women used to walk with grace and sensuality. Now most walk like truck drivers in heels. When one remembers the art of walking it can be mesmerizing and now and then a few show up for our gatherings. When they do you just watch. The pleasure is in the view. I have seen drag queens that pull it off better than many women these days, but on this evening a real woman made my heart go pitter patter.

She’s a regular to our gatherings. Always dressed amazingly sexy with legs that suggest she could kill you if they wrapped around you. She doesn’t walk as much as floats when she moves. Every movement and gesture are an example of elegance, style and sensuality yet she is the most approachable human on the planet. You cannot help but fall in love with her just by watching her and everyone does repeatedly. I have not had the opportunity to sleep with her, but I hear that is where she falls a little short… oh well. Still, something to look forward to. Fucking the Prom Queen was never top of my list anyway.

We have another one coming up very soon at a different location wanting to “shake things up” a little bit. Between now and then my life will be turned upside down for a variety of reasons. As it normally gets. The next gathering will be bigger, the people every bit as sexy and curious. My wife and I will answer countless questions and give history lessons, get invites to parties, eat some amazing food, have sex with some incredible people then crawl in a hole and hibernate for a few days. It’s tradition.

There is nothing normal about our life or the Lifestyle, yet it is ALL NORMAL. Normal people, normal jobs, normal family lives. What many of these people do for a living would surprise you. The only disappointing aspect these days is some of the younger ones who think this was all invented for them by someone like them in their age range. There is nothing more boring than watching a bunch of attractive women try and behave like porn stars in bed and make a hell of a lot of unnecessary noise while bouncing all over the place that probably is not really them. Where they got that idea in their heads I have not a clue, but I wish to shit they would stop and just be themselves. It would make for a far more satisfying time in bed. Nobody is going to give them a “Best Performance” award for what they did in the sack regardless of whether its filmed or not. They have merely reduced themselves to being a “Hamlet Fuck”. “A tale (fuck in this case) told by a fool, filled with sound and fury… signifying… nothing.”

Speaking of performance… Guys… if you lay off the shots of “FIREBALL” you would not need the little blue pill to perform at your age… just sayin’.

All that said, it was a great evening. It was filled with fun, wonder for some, and promises of future experiences for all and that is just around the corner.

We made our way home exhausted tonight. No late-night frolicking until the Sun comes up. We have plans for the morning that will bring a new light to our lives brought on by a casual conversation this evening. One that I could never have expected. Yet somehow saw it coming.

I settle in and feel my love’s wetness as we move closer together. There’s an energy tonight that will make falling asleep all the sweeter. It’s not going to be earth shattering, but it will be ours and that’s all that matters.

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Owner & Creator of the Lifestylers Magazine, a place to read "Everything Lifestyle, By The Lifestylers"...

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