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Mrs- KodaMinx: My name is Koda Minx and I have been in the Life Style as a HotWife for over 8 years now.  I am married to a wonderful husband whom sometimes joins me on my adventures. I have grown so much from what I have learned from my time in the Life Style and have made so many amazing friends, you know the type.. the ones you can talk about anything with outside of your normal vanilla and professional circles.   

I have done it all it seems from meeting with couples, singles to traveling to clubs and staying at resorts! It has been amazing and I cant wait to continue to explore even more.  I have recently begun following my more kinky side.  I now know more about rope play and what its like to be suspended and the rush that follows release!

This journey has definitely made me a more confident and stronger women and my relationship with my spouse has reached new levels of love, sex and eroticism. I feel free to express who I am in my Bi Sexuality and love those who feel the same.  I find myself becoming more dominant with women yet remaining submissive to men, which I love.

If you want to know more about me, chat with me or follow my kinky shenanigans please feel free to look me up at:


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About Author /

Owner & Creator of the Lifestylers Magazine, a place to read "Everything Lifestyle, By The Lifestylers" and a husband to a Hotwife...


  • Mrs SBKB69
    3 years ago Reply

    OH MY GOD!, you would be a sexy Hotwife Partner in crime

    • Koda Minx
      3 years ago Reply

      Absolutely babe! Love your work, just let me know when and where! ; )

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